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The false meaning of holidays

Santa died earlier this year. He became sad that less and less children believed in him, so he started drinking heavily. And then… he...

Sailing towards the sunset

Gentle Readers,</p> Well, the time has come to wrap up my column. The term is coming to an end, and for...

Circle of online communities

The Internet fascinates me. It&rsquo;s both a sanctuary and a war zone &mdash; a place where some people can feel safe behind the wall...

Rowing against the waves

Gentle Readers,</p> In my last post, I introduced the idea of seeing your obstacles as challenges to overcome in order to...

In need of a navigator

Gentle Readers,</p> Many ill-feeling things can come with a change in the wind. When we enter a new chapter of our...

Netting a job

Dear gentle readers,</p> In my last one, I talked about the immediate aftermath of graduation and my decision to look for...

The season of falling down

With fall here, the weather has become colder and motivation has dropped to next to nothing. Which is sad, since it is also the...

Unrealistic relationships in Friends

Relationships are what make up our world today and people often communicate differently in different relationships. In the American sitcom <em>Friends</em>, it&rsquo;s unrealistic that...


Dear gentle readers,</p> Chances are you’ve gone through or will go through a dramatic end to your final year of university....

Recalling a different perspective

If you were to ask me about how I met my best friend, we&rsquo;d both tell you different stories. I&rsquo;d tell you that we...