Arts & LIfe

Fat Amy would have loved it

UW’s a capella groups take over the ML Theatre for their end-of-term concert

UW drama department shows style and humour in wilde play

The UW drama department performed its fall production of The Importance of Being Earnest by Oscar Wilde Nov. 13–15 in the Theatre of the...

They’re breaking the silence, will you?

Waterloo-based fraternity, Sigma Chi Theta Psi releases sexual assault PSA

Trashy (In a good way)

Dispose / Anthropophotogenic highlight discarded materials at UWAG

UW students, faculty, and staff take time to remember

The University of Waterloo observed Remembrance Day Nov. 11 with multiple events on campus. The UW Chaplain’s...

Laurier beats UW at shot competition (and it didn’t involve alcohol)

Lights glaring, an audience cheering, judges watching (and more importantly, listening intently) and 12 nervous-as-hell students. That was the scene...

Vaginal anxiety and other issues: reviewing Not That Kind of Girl

The unapologetic narcissism that has become a staple for most people born after 1985 is packaged neatly and entertainingly in <em>Not That Kind of...

Braving the cold for the sake of culture: NightShift 2014

Kitchener-based Alternatives Journal curated the nocturnal art and culture festival sprawling downtown Kitchener and lighting up the blocks after dark

Whatever happened to the horror movie murderer?

Hi. My name is the Generic Serial Killer, and for the last 20 years, I&rsquo;ve made a living killing blissfully ignorant characters in horror...

Tri-City stopgap: By artists, for artists

Local art collective holds open call art exhibition in Waterloo warehouse