Arts & LIfe

Clinton on the phone, Obama at work

When Dr. Elizabeth Losh made the content for “Nasty Women and Digital Hygiene: Feminism and Purity Myths of Technoculture,” she thought she’d be talking...

Hearing the voices of Holocaust survivors

In conjunction with Holocaust Education Week, Hillel Waterloo, a student club centred on Jewish life, brought the stories of two Holocaust survivors to campus. “We...

Writers festival in KW goes wild

The Balsillie School of International Affairs once again hosted the annual Wild Writers Festival at the Centre for International Governance Innovation campus in Uptown...

Review: The Crown

In today’s English-speaking world governed by democracy, where imperialism is not something to celebrate but to apologize for, what is a monarchy for? Writer Peter...

Christmas comes early to the market

The region of Waterloo is steeped in old-world European traditions, and no time of year highlights those traditions better than Christmas. Celebrating its 20th...

Review: Dr. Strange takes Marvel into magic

Move over Tony Stark — there’s a new egotistic genius hero in town, and his name is Doctor Strange. And while there are many...

Dream big Dream, Girl

Documentaries can be informative and interesting, but they can also be inspiring. This inspiration is what Dream, Girl hopes to instil in all viewers....

“Altered and erased. Traces left on film.”

The Echo of the Unknown by Janet Briggs is the current feature at UWAG. According to Briggs, her installation stems from her personal memories...

Inside the mind of an art class model

Learning to draw the human form is an essential skill for all students of art, whether for class credit or for fun. The best...

Netflix Review: 13th

If the prevalence of a TV show or movie on Facebook and casual conversation is any indication of its popularity, Netflix originals such as...