WUSA Board appoints VP Elect Stephanie Ye-Mowe as incoming President


The WUSA Board of Directors met on Aug. 18, 2022 and decided that Vice President elect Stephanie Ye-Mowe will be taking over the role of President as of Sept. 1, 2022. 

To address the vacancy this will create in the office of Vice President, the officers of the Board have been tasked with recommending a suitable candidate to support the Board in a full-time capacity. 

This individual would be appointed by the Board to a special office through April 30, 2023. The new bylaw 9.08 empowers the Board to appoint any officers it deems necessary, and to decide what their duties and remuneration would be. 

There are no plans for a by-election at this time.

“While a competitive officer election would have been the best case scenario, we’re in the current situation we’re in, and that means taking action to ensure that the President and incoming VP are well-equipped to perform their duties and meet the needs of the student body. September is rapidly approaching, and if last school year has anything to show for it, we will need nimbleness, preparedness, and full-time student leaders,” said Ye-Mowe. 

She added, “While I would have preferred to remain VP, I also understood that the role I took on came with the caveat that in the absence of a President, I needed to be willing to step up. I’ve never liked being in the limelight, but being a good mentor to other student leaders and doing my job well are responsibilities I don’t take lightly. So while I’m a bit apprehensive, I’m excited to see what this new Board has to offer the student body, and I thank them for entrusting me with this responsibility.”

The Board also received the CRO’s report and ratified the results of the 2022 General Election