WUSA announces senate election results


The senate results for the 2024-25 WUSA elections were announced this morning on WUSA’s website. The voter turnout for this year’s election was the highest in WUSA’s history, at 8,876 out of 35,325 eligible voters, or 25.13 per cent. The election results for senators are as follows:

Arts Senator (2-year position)

  • Andrew Chang

Environment Senator (2-year position)

  • Katie Traynor (Waterloo United)

Science Senators (2-year positions)

  • Jordan Bauman
  • Sufyan Faisal

Health Senator (1-year position)

  • Avery Oland Akkerman (Waterloo United)

At-Large Senator (1 year position)

  • Bilal Ahmed

The results for the board of directors can be found here. More information and election results can be found on wusa.ca.