What issues do students care about in the upcoming election?


With the WUSA general elections just under a week away, Imprint asked students what issues they’d like candidates to focus on once in office.

Here are their thoughts:

Rayan Wadwha, health sciences

“I’m in first year and I’ve just come to the campus … all I’ve really been doing is focusing on my studies. I’m not really aware of any real issues we should be talking about, so maybe that’s an issue in itself, I’m not sure.”

Hunain Atif, computer engineering

“The one thing I’d like [candidates] to focus on is just more resources for students, mainly towards… libraries, which have been really packed recently with a lot of people studying. I often go there and it’s really hard to find a spot so I’d really like it if we could maybe allocate more study spaces or just have more timed study sessions just so people can get an equal opportunity.”

Hiranya Ratnayaka Arachchege, psychology 

 “I would want counseling services to improve on campus. In my first year it took a really long time to get an appointment and when I got it it didn’t really help my situation.”

Manal Abbasi, health sciences 

“I’d like candidates to focus on improving accessibility services and counseling services on campus. I have heard that when people reach out to get mental health support there are a lot of numbers to call but when you actually call there are long wait times. There needs to be an easier way to support students because some students may need help urgently.” 

Ernest Ko, kinesiology

“I’d like [DC’s] Tim Hortons to be open on weekends.”

With files from Alicia Wang.