Waterloo Watch


CECA building paid off, celebrations held by VP Finance and CECA director

Adam Garcia, Fed’s VP Finance, and Peggy Jarvie, executive director of CECA, announced that the William M. Tatham Centre for Co-operative Education & Career Action (CECA) has been paid off in an email March 17.

The building fee was being covered as a part of co-op students’ tuition, a charge of $25 per term in the form of a co-op fee. The original plan was to have the fee in effect for 25 years since its inception in 2003.

Instead the goal was completed in just 10 years. The co-op program has grown exponentially since CECA was established with the number of students enrolled in the program growing by 58 per cent over the last decade.

Students were invited to celebrate this accomplishment as a thank you from Jarvie and Garcia with a free lunch and cake as part of a “End of the Building Fee Celebration” in the building they made possible.

Waterloo police confiscate 4,400 beers from student home

Waterloo Regional Police searched a student residence on Columbia Street West March 16 with a Provincial Offences Act warrant, after receiving information that there were plans to illegally sell alcohol without a permit.

The students were allegedly selling tickets to a “Cold Shot” party through Twitter, according to a news release from Waterloo Regional Police Services.

Police found and seized 4,400 cans of beer — an estimated value of $5,500 — from the residence after discovering that the owners did not have a special occasion permit to sell liquor.

The search and seizure were a part of the KW police’ efforts to keep the peace and safety of all residents during St. Patrick’s Day festivities. Charges are still pending under Ontario’s Liquor Licence Act.

Premier Wynne announces more GO trains for Waterloo

Premier Kathleen Wynne announced plans for more GO Transit train service from Toronto to Waterloo March 18 during a visit to the KW region. 

“We’re going to commit to bring two-way, all-day GO Train service between the Waterloo and Toronto regions,” said Wynne at the press conference. 

According to CTV Kitchener, the plans include two boarding trips and two return trips to the Kitchener-Toronto line by 2016 — adding to the current four being offered. 

Local businesses are excited about the possible growth opportunities for the city that this transit expansion will cause, according to CTV Kitchener

Not many details were released, including a layover station without any possible location announced. These details will be handled by the Minister of Transportation said Wynne at the conference.  The total cost of the project also has not been revealed. 


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