Waterloo Warriors join 2022 Shoot for the Cure campaign

Shoot for the Cure, Courtesy UW

Waterloo Warriors, along with other U SPORTS schools, have joined the 2021-2022 Think Pink (Shoot for the Cure) initiative to fight breast cancer. The campaign began on Jan. 15, 2022, and will run till Feb. 12, 2022.

 As part of this campaign, the league organizes events and auctions to collect funds for the Canadian Cancer Society (CCS). The money is put toward advancing leading-edge cancer research that is improving cancer treatments, preventing cancer and saving lives. Funds raised through the Think Pink initiative help provide reliable and up-to-date information on cancer risk reduction and treatment, offer community-based support services for people living with cancer and their families, and advocate for health-oriented public policies.

Think Pink events include varsity games that are yet to be confirmed. All OUA competitions including scrimmages, exhibitions, league games, and championships are currently on pause with more information to be provided later.

 Over the last 13 years, Waterloo Warriors have raised over $252,000.

People who want to contribute can purchase Think Pink t-shirts, participate in auctions, give funds directly or donate their hair. The auction and donation options are open as of Jan. 29, while the t-shirts will go on sale on Feb. 7.

As of Jan. 29, Waterloo Warriors have raised $2,210.04 of their $5,000 goal for the year.

Some athletes have set up their own fundraising pages as part of this initiative. 

 Jeffrey Welch, UW men’s varsity rugby alum, has volunteered to donate his hair.

 “This will be my third fundraising event and I have been growing my hair out for two years for this,” Welch said in a statement.

 As of Jan. 29, Welch has raised $691.40 of his $700 goal.

 Lesia Bandura, a UW women’s varsity soccer alumnus and current Goalkeeper coach for the women’s team, has signed up to donate her hair for the fourth time.

 “This year I am donating my hair in support of a close family friend who battled breast cancer in 2020 and 2021 and is still dealing with the side effects of the disease and treatment today. I will be cutting off 10 inches of hair which will go to Eva & Co Wigs, a proud partner of BC’s Children’s Hospitals — Wigs for Kids program,” Bandura said in a statement.

 As of Jan. 29, Bandura has raised $260.64 of her $400 goal.

 Those who want to donate hair or assist in raising funds can contact Bryan (athcpmk@uwaterloo.ca).

More information and updates can be found at gowarriorsgo.ca/thinkpink