Waterloo teen faces sexual assault charges

UPDATE: The student being charged with sexual assault was a University of Waterloo student, according to a statement from UW campus police.</p>

A student is facing charges after sexually assaulting two female students early on the morning of Nov. 1, near the Velocity residence on University Avenue. The 18-year-old male is currently in custody with the Waterloo Regional Police Services, after being apprehended by Campus Police between 1 and 2 a.m.

According to Police Services, the student inappropriately touched one of the female students and made a sexual comment towards the other. The student was then found by Campus Police masturbating on school property. Presently, he is facing charges of sexual assault, assault, and committing an indecent act, and is pending a bail hearing.

Nick Manning, the director of media relations and issues management at the University of Waterloo, was pleased with the quick response of Campus Police: “University police responded to a call from the victims, and were quickly on the scene and able to apprehend the individual,” adding that “Waterloo Police acted very quickly — the university is very proud of that response.” 

Waterloo has a relatively infrequent history of sexual assault cases. “We are very lucky to have a safe campus community … and a dedicated police force who work to make sure we keep the campus safe,” said Manning.

The university has many programs that work towards preventing sexual violence. One such program is the award-winning play Single & Sexy, which occurs during orientation week to educate students on the importance of preventing sexual violence. As well, Waterloo has implemented on- and off-campus shuttle buses to ensure the safety of students.

Manning said that the university also has a number of resources that can be found online. Police Services lists many locations that assist victims of sexual assault including Health Services, Counselling Services, the Waterloo Region Sexual Assault Treatment Centre, and Planned Parenthood. As well, lectures are often presented by emergency services educating students on consent issues.

Manning underlined that campus authorities work strongly to dissuade sexual violence and protect the safety of all the students: “The safety and security of everybody on campus is taken very seriously.” 

Imprint was unable to reach the WRPS for comment on the incident.


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