Waterloo defeats Trent at women’s volleyball home opener


The Warrior women’s volleyball team defeated the Trent Excaliburs 3-0 during Friday’s home opener.

Trent fought hard to win the second set, but the Warriors were able to hold them off and win the set 25-22.

The game’s top players included Jennifer Zhu (with a remarkable 9 kills and 4 aces), Abbey Neufeld (8 kills, 2 blocks, and 1 ace), Sydney DeGraauw (3 blocks, 4 kills, and an ace), and Avery Kelly (8 kills and 4 aces).

Other notable players included Nora Kotun with an impressive save and Sarah Hewer with 21 kill assists. Rookie Caitlyn Stareesinic won the team their final set of the game, which ended with a score of 25-7.