Near the end of the third quarter, the UW women’s varsity basketball team were behind by 20 points. After putting up a good 15 minute fight, Ella Mahler, was swapped on in the last minute in hopes of getting a few points before the buzzer. Unluckily, the girls couldn’t make it happen in time in the face of intense pressure from the Western Mustangs.

The quarter break was filled with soothing pop music covers by the UW marching band, lifting the spirits of UW supporters in the crowd.

The starting line took the court; the referee blew the whistle; and the quarter began with Western ball.

Julia Pavlik played hard defence, stalling the incoming Western attack as Hilary Ferguson rejected the incoming lay-up by the Mustangs.

Having successfully defended the first attack, Pavlik and Sydney Wilson worked together to bring the ball up the court; only to have a penalty result in a ball tunover.

The Mustangs took the opportunity to play quick offence, and a defensive foul was called on Amy Jarvis, who blocked the incoming shot.

The Mustangs missed both shots but held on to the ball for another play.

The Warriors stole it back, heading down the court. Ferguson shot and missed, but Wilson picked up the rebound and earned the Warrior’s first basket of the quarter.

The score was 15-33 for the Warriors. The Mustangs picked up another three points but forward, Caitlin Macleod fought back scoring for the Warriors. Two more shots were made for the Warriors by Breanna Hudspeth and Ann Stewart.

After a travel offence by the  Mustangs the Warriors reorganized themselves and Stewart scored another four points.

As the clock was running down, the Warriors stayed calm and collected. Afifa Salad found an opportunity to shoot a three pointer as the clock reached one second. Scoring a buzzer beater, the crowd went wild.

With their hard work, the Warriors scored more than 20 points in their last quarter.

In the end, the Warriors were behind by five points. Despite their quick and amazing turnaround in the last quarter, the game ended with 43 – 48.

The next home game is Nov. 10 at  6 p.m. against the Carleton Ravens.


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