Urbanizing the past: UW students finalists in MasonryWorx competition


This fall, University of Waterloo’s Architecture students had faced a unique opportunity – to design a building on a real-life industrial site in MasonryWorx’s Design Competition.

Courtesy Jaroslav Dedic

The competition asks contestants to use masonry concepts to create a new innovative structure that will be well integrated in the urban scene while still keeping the traditional values of masonry.

Over 20 entries were submitted, from which five have been chosen as finalists, all from the University of Waterloo’s School of Architecture.

Contestants were tasked with designing a residential building primarily of brick and stone.

They were also charged with ensuring the buildings were compatible with Toronto by-laws, as well as accounting for an assortment of amenities for future potential tenants.

The winners will be announced on Oct. 26 at the annual MasonryWorx’s Design Competition Award Ceremony at the School of Architecture in Cambridge.

The ceremony will feature a networking session and a presentation on robot made design.

The event features Oliver David Krieg, research lead at the Institute for Computational Design and Construction at the University of Stuttgart in Germany, as their guest speaker.

Tickets are free and can be found at: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/masonryworx-design-competition-awards-2017-tickets-38000699114.


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