UW grad Robin Speziale’s Market Masters to be released in February

Robin Speziale, a University of Waterloo grad from the class of 2010 is working on a book based on interviews with Canada&rsquo;s top investors, due for release this February.&nbsp;</p>

The book is called Market Masters and is described by the author as a “definitive book on investing in the Canadian market, featuring exclusive and insightful conversations and first hand advice from Canada’s top investors.” 

The book is focused on interviews by Canada’s top investors such as Jason Donville, Francis Chou, Benj Gallander, Martin Braun, Bill Ackman, and many more. These interviews delve into each investor’s investment philosophies, strategies, and processes, as well as their successes, challenges, and outlooks on the market. 

According to Speziale, the purpose is to learn proven investing strategies, processes, and approaches which can easily apply to the market in order to make your investments more plentiful, predictable, and profitable. Market Masters contains advice on how to beat the market along with other tips for the next generation of Canadian investors.

The 28 top investors who were interviewed span multiple areas on the market paradigm to offer Speziale’s readers a variety of perspectives, including five investing styles to increase your winnings in the market; stocks, bonds, options, and other financial instruments; and shared concepts that explain how the market masters continually beat the market. There is also a collection of “Master Keys,” the most important tips from each investor, that are highlighted throughout the book.

In an interview with Imprint, Speziale said that Market Masters was a passion project. 

“I had already followed the 28 top investors through my own investment journey and wanted to share their investing frameworks with as many people as possible,” he said. He believes that mastering the art and science of investing is a crucial element to achieving financial independence. 

“I wrote Market Masters in such a way that is accessible to all Canadians who want to make money in the market,” Speziale said. 

In terms of the questions and conclusions reached during and at the culmination of the project, Speziale used the example of Canadian author Malcolm Gladwell, that experience does predicate success. 

“[Gladwell] said something along the lines of it taking roughly 10,000 hours of practice to achieve mastery in any field. And, there’s no doubt, the 28 top investors that I interviewed didn’t become successful overnight. But now, they make investing look so simple. What readers should understand is that successful investing requires skin in the game to practice, refine, and then master an approach that works within their framework. That won’t be instant.”

When asked about how his degree at the University of Waterloo played a role in bringing about this project, Speziale said that he believed in life-long learning. 

“While the University of Waterloo provided me with a solid foundation in both curriculum and experience (co-op), I haven’t stopped learning since graduating in 2010. That’s through books, research, articles, and so on. I also pursue fields that interest me, that may be inside or outside my program,” he said. 

When asked about what sort of advice he would give readers and fellow UW students, Speziale said, “Be whatever you want to be. The University of Waterloo is first class. And there are many wonderful programs to choose from to invest your time.” 

He also advised never to let a degree program define a person’s capabilities.

“Life is not linear. Use your degree as a foundation on which you continue to follow your passion, build your platform, and achieve your dreams. And do not be afraid of failure or criticism. That’s why most people don’t cross the chasm.” 

Speziale has high expectations of his book: “I simply hope that people are inspired by my work and that Market Masters becomes a crucial resource for Canadian investors. Reaching best-seller status would obviously be nice, too. However, that’s only deserved if my book resonates with people,” he said. 

The book is due for release in February 2016 and is now available for pre-order.


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