UW assistant professor Elisabeth Prince wins Polanyi Prize in Chemistry


Elisabeth Prince, associate professor at UW, is one of five winners of this year’s John Charles Polanyi Prize. 

The Ontario government awards the prize annually to five researchers who are in the early stages of their careers, and have made significant contributions to the Nobel Prize fields of chemistry, economic science, literature, physics and physiology/medicine. This year’s winners will receive $25,000 each – a $5,000 increase from last year. The award ceremony took place on Wednesday, Feb. 21 at Queens Park in Toronto.

According to ontario.ca, Prince’s research focuses on “developing chemical additives that allow thermoset plastics, which were previously non-recyclable, to be broken down and recycled.” Through her research, Prince addresses the global plastic waste crisis and works to eliminate plastic products in the environment.

More information about the award can be found here.