This Week: What are your thoughts on the Bomber’s sudden closing?


“It’s very unfortunate. The Bomber is a good place, it’s a restaurant, a club … it’s what everyone knows Waterloo for, in terms of the party scene. I really did not appreciate them doing advertisements for new jobs and a hiring fair two days before they announced that they were closing. And also, Bomber Wednesdays were everybody’s favourite, and since that’s not happening anymore, it kind of blows.”

– Graham, 2A Science and Business

“I think it’s kind of sad, because I know that it has been open for so long. Now that it’s closing, I think a lot people are trying to get their time in there, in terms of the NYE 2.0 Bomber event, just because they want to be part of something that has been on campus for so long. Whatever comes here after, I’m sure it’s going to be great, but it’s not going to have that same feeling because it’s not going to be as old.”

Jessica, 2A Biomedical Engineering

“I’m sort of indifferent, because I didn’t really visit it much. I probably went there once? It was a scheduled event, something that students put together. I know it’s a huge staple here at Waterloo. I didn’t really frequent it often.”

Michael, 4A Legal Studies

“The Bomber was a great pub and a club too! But it was unfortunate to hear that they were closing. I don’t know what the actual reason was, but I’m guessing there was an issue with profits. I feel bad about it. I didn’t even attend the last Bomber Wednesday because I heard it was jam-packed, which makes sense because people are trying to get their last moments in with the Bomber. I think Feds is going to come up with something better than The Bombshelter.

Shivesh, 2A Mathematics

After writing my last exam last term, a friend and I were en route to the SLC to drown our sorrows and celebrate the commencement of Christmas Break by downing a few beers at the Bomber, a tradition we have had since our first year at the University of Waterloo. It was to my surprise that the doors of our go-to pub were closed.

At first, I thought that we just missed the operation hours. It wasn’t until I took the effort to look into it that I realized that the doors of the beloved Bombshelter Pub were closed for good. Just like everyone else, this news came as a huge bombshell. 

After giving it some thought, it is clear to see that it was inevitable. Just like Toronto’s Skydome and most recently the Air Canada Center, our beloved Bombshelter Pub is in need of a fresh look, vibe, and attitude. I don’t know the exact reason for the Bomber’s closing, I’m just living off of the statement released online. For a lot of students, the Bomber was a safe haven; a place to grab a bite and pitcher with some friends, make connections during student-run events, and turn up on a Wednesday night.

Just like the name suggests, it sheltered students from the bombs of school work, stresses, and loneliness. The apocalyptic vibe and name were appropriate for children of the 20th century, due to the World Wars, and the Cold War.

Here’s a reality check; a majority of first years were born in the year 2000. This coming Fall we are welcoming 2001 babies. Although I am a firm believer that tradition s shouldn’t die, it is only right for Canada’s Top School for Innovation to innovate. In order for businesses to thrive and continue success, the party scene at UW needs to appeal to new generations of party people. Part of that change means better things, such as new/better menu items (hopefully we can skip the Tide Pods), weekly events, and a modern atmosphere.

Change is inevitable. Although the Bomber was a great place for many, including myself, we need to keep our chins up and welcome change with open arms. Hopefully the withdrawal from Hashtag Fries won’t be too bad.

Vishal Lilman, 2A Geomatics


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