This week: How do you plan on studying for exams? Do you have any tips for your fellow Warriors?



Dion Banno, 2A Statistics

“I usually start by making a to-do list. You should prioritize what courses you find difficult, and what courses you don’t, then use that as a focal point to gage how much you need to study.”

Jordan Chapman, 1B Honours Arts

“I usually study in the worst way possible. Usually professors would say to come up with a plan before hand to try and make it easier on yourself. I say ‘nah’ and just read through all of my notes. That works for me, miraculously. The best advice I have for other students is to not do what I do.”

Tia Tuinstra, 2A Systems Design Engineering

“It definitely depends on what kind of course you have. I have an anatomy course, so that’s just brute memorization. In that case, just study ahead as much as you can. For math, you would obviously just do practice problems. Don’t ask me about design courses! Do I really study for those?”

Youngeun Seo, 3A Actuarial Science

“Usually after class I would go to one of the study spaces on campus and study until midnight. The way I study is I reread my lecture notes, then make another set of notes by reorganizing and rephrasing the information in my own words. That works for me.”


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