The world this week


A group of Toronto parents are threatening to pull their children out of school to protest Ontario’s new sex-ed curriculum. The protestors, using Facebook as their platform to oppose the 2015 curriculum, are encouraging Canadian parents to keep their children at home for the week of May 4-8. The Toronto District School Board has stated that it is unknown how many families will participate in the protest. Thousands objected to the changes which were passed early this year, and Premier Kathleen Wynne has said the curriculum will take effect in September as planned. 


Two gunmen were shot dead after opening fire at a cartoon contest in the Dallas suburbs. A bomb squad was called in to search their vehicle as a precaution after the attack Sunday, May 3. One of the suspects has been identified as Elton Simpson, who had been previously investigated on suspicion of terrorism offences, and U.S. police are currently searching his Phoenix home.


Sherpas in Nepal have refused to rebuild a climbing route on Mount Everest which was destroyed over a week ago by an earthquake-triggered avalanche, a decision that will likely end this year’s climbing season.


Female faculty at McMaster University will be getting a raise after a two year study showed differences in salary between men and women at the Hamilton institute. The data found that women earned on average $3,515 less than their male counterparts in 2012 and 2013. This was found even after adjustments were made based on seniority, faculty, age, and tenure.



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