Courtesy Ed Kung

The ultimate frisbee team travelled to Hamilton, Belleville, and Ottawa for 13 fierce battles against teams across Ontario.

They started the season off with a strong game, winning 11-5 against the Ryerson Rams in Hamilton, then winning an unbelievably close game: 7 – 6, against the varsity team McMaster Marauders.

The team worked together smoothly and had each other’s backs. 

Warriors then continued their Hamilton tournament with a nerve-wracking game against the national champion: Queens Gaels.

Lucy Chow led her team throughout the game but in the end the Warriors lost their winning streak.

They ended the tournament early due to the rising heat, with a friendly game against the Ryerson Rams.

They continued their journey to Belleville, CEUUC Regionals.

Alexandra Findlay, an outstanding player, fought for the disk till the very end, despite her  knee injury.

She was not the only player injured by the end of the Belleville  tournament.

The Warriors faced several tough games: losing to McMaster, Ottawa, and Western but defeating Brock and Queens B in the round robin.

They lost to Carlton 9-0 and Brock 4-3 in the tournament placing 10th overall.

The Warriors then travelled to Ottawa.

The captains Turner, Ho, and Wu constantly provided support and strategies for the team.

The Warriors started off the day with a win of 15-2 against Ryerson.

There were a number of close saves by Tasha McFarland, Emily Granger, and Analyssa Cardenas.

The second game was against the Guelph Gryphons.

Cutter Judy Liu defended strongly and stopped the majority of Guelph’s passing streak, giving the Warriors plenty of chances to advance their plays.

Avery Leung, a first-year handler, calmly made accurate passes with Turner to gain yards.

Jennifer Woo took advantage of every cut she made to carry on the flow of the team.

Rhiannon Hodgson then caught the disc in the endzone, keeping the scores tight between the Warriors and the Gryphons.

It was a close game but sadly the Warriors lost with a score of 15-8.

The last game of the season began the next morning despite stormy weather.

The Warriors were up against Sherbrooke University. The storm made it hard for the players to make passes and catches.

Victoria Ladouceur and Shirley Lin, first-year cutters, made outstanding plays to support the team despite the pouring rain.

Both teams slipped and slid on the muddy ground, making the game hard to proceed.

The teams took advantage of the soft mud to make some brave dives for the disc.

Miranda Ko, the MVP of the day, was given a prize from Sherbrooke.

The remainder of the tournament was cancelled due inclement weather.


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