The health of our student body

Graphic by Sophie Lin
Graphic by Sophie Lin

Each year, the American College Health Association (ACHA) conducts a wide ranging survey of college and university students at different institutions and publishes the findings in a paper for students and faculty to see how the overall health of the student body is faring. The ACHA began surveying college and university students about their health in 2000, and now it provides the largest known comprehensive dataset on student health. The survey was originally developed and tested in the United States and was eventually adopted in Canada to assess the health of college and university students. The survey is called the National College Health Assessment II (NCHA II. It is designed to assist healthcare providers, and give students greater access to information about their communities’ health.

The results for the University of Waterloo in 2016 have been published and you can visit to read more.

Here is a quick summary for all you need to know about how our health is doing as a school community.

Most Common Illness/Injury:  Back pain. More than 12 per cent of students reported being treated for this injury in 2016. Remember to use your legs people!

Least Common Illness/Injury: Tuberculosis. Well done UW! Keeping 19th-century diseases off campus for 60 years!

Personal Safety: The report includes findings that state 98.6 per cent of students report wearing seatbelts when in a moving vehicle. Smart move Warriors, protect those brains full of midterm answers.

School Stress: We are getting anxious! 32 per cent of students reported in the survey that anxiety disrupts their academic life. The second biggest disruption: Computer time and video games, with26 per cent of students who took the survey reporting that their computer time affected their school involvement.

Safety on Campus: In the daytime, we feel great on campus! 92.5 per cent of students feel very safe on campusduring the day, but when the sun goes down, only 63 per cent of males and 25 per cent of females feel safe on campus.

Sexy Times: 80 per cent of students at UW have not tried anal sex. Or are lying about it on the survey.

Birth Control: The most popular method of birth control is still the trusty condom ,with 70 per cent of students reporting having used one the last time they had intercourse. Insanely, withdrawal is the second most popular choice of birth control. You guys, stop.

Fruit and Veg: UW students are doing “ok” in terms of nutritional consumption. The majority of students reported getting 1-2 fruits or vegetables a day, which is, uh, better than nothing. Only 9.5 per cent of students are getting their recommended daily value of fruits and vegetables. So ask for an extra handful of spinach on your sub.


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