The Dos and Don’ts of Face Masks


Just a year ago, if you would have asked me how to put on a face mask, I would have given you a confused look. However, as a result of these unfortunate times, a mask has been added to the list of things I need whenever I leave my house, alongside my wallet, keys, and phone. In order to protect yourself and others from COVID-19, it is essential to understand why, how, and when we should use masks. 

DO: Wear a mask in public spaces and when coming close to those not in your “bubble.” 

Since COVID-19 was declared as a pandemic in March, there have been hundreds of studies proving the effectiveness of wearing masks. One study, conducted by Christopher Leffler and Joseph Lykins from Virginia Commonwealth University, Edsel Ing from university of Toronto, Craig McKeown from University of Miami Miller, Andrzej Grybowski from University of Warmia, and Mazury and Matthew C. Hogan -scientists from the US and Canada -found that, after looking closely at 196 countries, the countries with regulations and laws encouraging citizens to wear masks had significantly decreased death rates. While it may seem like   an extra person wearing a mask won’t make a difference to your country’s COVID-19 rates, it absolutely will.


DON’T: Complain about how uncomfortable your mask is.

You know what’s more irritating than wearing a mask? Getting COVID-19 and spreading it to your family, friends, and acquaintances. Just ask anyone who has been wearing a mask since March — or any surgeon — you can, and will, get used to it. Try different kinds of masks to discover the type you find most comfortable, and hold your comments about how “annoying” it is to wear a mask.


DO: Get creative by making your own masks!

DIY masks? Count me in! All you need for this craft is fabric and elastic. Reusable masks are better for the environment, and you can customize your mask based on your personality and interests. If you aren’t the crafty type, try ordering some masks online that speak to your style. They are cheap, effective, and trendy!


DON’T: Wear your mask incorrectly.

This just in: when your mask does not cover your mouth and nose, it is easier for your air particles to find their way out! And, please, don’t even think about cutting out holes for your nose and mouth so that you can “breathe more easily” — if your mask feels too breezy, it needs some adjustments.

Remember: masks on until COVID is gone. Stay safe and stay healthy, Warriors! 


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