Team Vision sweeps WUSA Exec elections

Photo by Jansher Saeed

Team Vision swept the Waterloo Undergraduate Student Association (WUSA) Executive election, claiming all four executive spots.

The overall voter turnout was 12.2 per cent, a three per cent decrease from last year, despite the setting up of voting booths and regular e-mail reminders, among many other efforts.

Many candidates were unable to make it to the final race due to 30 pages of new rules that were added after the last election.

The new rules mean WUSA executive candidates need significant support before they start campaigning.

WUSA announced the results of its annual elections on the morning of Feb. 7, 2020.

Abbie Simpson from Team Vision beat two candidates, Stanley Wong and Kevin McGuire to be the WUSA President for the academic year 2020-21.

Simpson has been involved with WUSA and on-campus since 2016 in many roles such as WUSA Councillor, Student Ambassador, and Peer Health Education Team Lead, among many others. Simpson plans to work on mental health advocacy, supporting on-campus societies, and promoting sustainability,

Alana Guevara, the sole candidate for Vice President, Operations and Finance and also a member of Team Vision, was elected.

Guevara wishes to identify gaps in the budgeting processes to maximize profitability, increase student employment, and move forward with plans to reopen the Bomber space based on student feedback.

Both Guevara and Team Vision’s candidate for Vice President, Education, Megan Town faced a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ vote, where they needed 50 per cent or more ‘yes’ votes to take office.

The races with multiple candidates faced off in ranked ballot elections.

Town’s platform included actively listening to student concerns, prioritizing efficient public transportation, and fostering diversity in the UW community.

Nada Abouelnaga, from Team Vision, beat three candidates and was elected Vice President Student Life.

Abouelnaga hopes to expand WUSA services, ensure effective club operations, and help students volunteers by providing feedback throughout their time with WUSA.

Team Vision will begin their tenure was WUSA Executives in the upcoming academic year.

The Senate results are as follows:


Samer Zu’Mot- At-Large

Atman Fatima- AHS

Robyn Clarke- Arts

Samuel Rubin- Engineering

Divy Kochar- Science


The WUSA Council results are as follows:



Stephanie Ye-Mowe

Jaskaran Dhillon



Catherine Dong

John Hunte

Matthew Schwarze

Kanan Sharma

Mahaveer Jai Ukrani

Karl Zhu



M. Sikandar Azam

Nick Dosen

Sumayyah Macci

Mokhash Parmar

Niks Roxas



Marie Joli Race s:cotte

Aiman Fatima



Vidyut  Ghuwalewala

Jaineet Singh



Edward Yang

Angela Souza

Frances Hallen

Evelyn Gondosiswanto

Joseph Ma



Mehida Ahmed




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