Student Life Endowment Fund report released

Feds has spent a total of $60,800 through the Student Life Endowment Fund as of Feb. 2. According to a report from Devin Drury, VP Internal, nine out of the 12 groups who applied for a grant received near or more than their request.

The Student Life Endowment Fund began in 1992, for the sake of improving accessibility, safety, student services, and study space. This has included paying for ergonomic chairs for the Davis Centre library and covering the cost for renovations to the Student Life Centre (SLC).

This money comes from the non-refundable Federation of Students fee that students pay as part of their tuition. Student clubs and societies apply to the grant and Feds determines who should get money and how much. 

To date, Feds has spent $24,400 on purchasing more chairs for the study rooms and Great Hall in the SLC. The Campus Response Team  received $11,300 to purchase more vests and digital radios.

Other major costs that the Feds fund has paid for include a $1,400 safe for the UW Optometry Student Society, $9,500 for the Feds Water Bottle Filler Project to purchase and install water bottle fillers, and $4,600 to the UW Engineering Society for digital signage and a digital presentation screen for their meeting room.

On the other hand, the nanotechnology undergraduate students did not receive their requested $9,600 for study room furniture, and the off-campus dons were given $900 of the $1,800 requested for first aid training.  


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