Stories From Home

Photography by Gina Hsu


In a time when during which we are questioning our faith in humanity, Imprint brings you stories that try to capture the core of humanity: happiness. Stories to give  We bring you hope; from one person, and one story at a time. In our physically- distanced world, you never know who you might feel closer to.


This summer, I got to do a lot of local touristy things as well as travel to Ottawa and Quebec. I’ve lived in Ontario for three years, but haven’t explored much. With quarantine, I got an excuse to do just that. In Ottawa, my boyfriend and I went to the Art Gallery, and got in for free because it had just opened. Because of quarantine, it was super empty and everyone was being really safe. — iIt was nice to get to explore without having to avoid people constantly. Even though most fireworks were cancelled this year, we got lucky! We knew there were going to be fireworks, but we weren’t sure when. Nevertheless, we were going to a beach in Quebec, and we got the perfect view of the fireworks right from the shore in the evening. I think the best part about the exploration was that we didn’t have to wait in long lines or be in a giant crowd trying to take photos. It was nice to see the city without feeling claustrophobic. I was on my co-op term, and while working remotely isn’t necessarily the most fun, I think I enjoyed working at my own pace. If I was in an office, there would also be an added commute time. But now it’s nice to work exact hours, and know that when I end work, I can go out, exploring, go out and have fun.


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