School of Optometry evacuates after suspected gas leak

The School of Optometry was evacuated at 7:30 on Wednesday morning after the smell of gas was detected in several rooms, resulting in the cancellation of several morning classes.

A UWPS officer on the scene told <em>Imprint:&nbsp;</em>&ldquo;It&rsquo;s a gas leak &hellip; I don&rsquo;t know how long it&rsquo;s going to be until the building&rsquo;s safe.&rdquo;

It was later reported on UW&rsquo;s official Twitter account that: &ldquo;[there was] no reason to suspect [a] natural gas leak. &ldquo;

In a statement to <em>Imprint&nbsp;</em>Nick Manning, Director of Media Relations and Issues Management said: &ldquo;Following an investigation by Waterloo Fire, a battery in a computer unit was found to be malfunctioning and emitting an odour. Some equipment was found to have a non-dangerous leak of some gasses, which have been isolated.&rdquo;

The fire department issued the all clear at 10:15 a.m., and the building opened with classes resuming shortly after.


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