In order to promote safe sex on campus, Imprint has gathered information on where students can go if they need help or advice regarding practicing safe sex.

One student service that students can go to for help related to sex, is Health Services. Health Services offers confidential consultation, information packages, and programs related to sexual health to all students.

One program within Health Services is Hot & Spicy. According to the Health Services website, “Hot & Spicy is dedicated to promoting sexual health, safer sex, healthy relationships, and so much more.”

They host events and booths on campus, such as How to Be Single on Feb. 14, in order to promote loving yourself on an otherwise couple-focussed day. Their office is found at the Health Promotions office on the second floor of Health Services.

The Health Services website provides more information on the subject of sexual health.

Another on-campus service that students can go to if they want to learn about safe sex is the UW Women’s Centre.

According to Lisa Umholtz, the communications and media specialist for Feds, “The Women’s Centre is a sex-positive, pro-choice service; whether someone chooses to have sex or not, information is available for them at the Centre. Condoms and pregnancy tests are available at the Centre, in addition to information about birth control.”

The Women’s Centre also offers trained peer-support volunteers who can “offer confidential services at the Women’s Centre for students who want to talk,” according to Umholtz. “Additionally, students can be directed to other resources like Health Services, Counselling Services or the Sexual Assault Support Centre as needed.”

The UW Women’s Centre also provides pamphlets on sexual health and various sexual orientations that students can access both inside and outside of the Centre.

Students can also go to the Sexual Assault Support Centre and the SHORE Centre, two organizations found in the Kitchener-Waterloo community that give information to students on safe sex, as well as help those who have experienced sexual violence and assault.

Edit: Hot & Spicy is holding “How to be Single” on Feb. 14, not Sexual and Reproductive Health Awareness Day as previously stated.


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