Referendum to extend fall break


by Melissa Thomas

The Federation of Students would like to clarify that the Fall Break Referendum is intended to be an unbiased forum where students can express their opinions on what they would like to see happen with Fall Break now that the three-year pilot project is coming to an end this year. Federation of Students does not endorse any position or outcome – the referendum is solely to gather student input, which will inform Feds advocacy efforts. Questions on Orientation are included in this referendum for the sole purpose that changes to the length of Fall Break could have the potential to affect the scheduling of Orientation programming, and these responses will further direct our advocacy efforts.

In summary, Feds wants to hear what you want! We don’t have an opinion or bias because it is our job to represent your opinion on the matter.

Make sure you vote in the Fall Break Referendum online at or on Portal, open from 10 a.m. on Wednesday, October 3 to 11:59 p.m. on Thursday, October 4. You can also vote in person in the SLC Great Hall from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on the same days. Check out What’s Happening with Fall Break? for more background and details on the Fall Break Referendum, or visit for more information on Feds Referendums in general.


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