Recognizing a Rose before it’s gone


Rose Vogt worked with the Graduate Student Association (GSA) for 20 years in the capacity of General Manager. She was recently appointed as the President of the Staff Association of the University of Waterloo (UW). Vogt’s comrades and colleagues would like to recognize her hard work and dedication.

Robert (Bob) Sproule (Retired Faculty – School of Accounting and Finance. Current GSA accountant)            

“Rose was hired as the senior staff person at the Grad House based on her skill set: experience in the hospitality industry, experience working with student leadership and experience working in the UW environment.  She also brought a significant dose of professionalism which had been lacking.  Initially most of her efforts were focused on addressing years of losses from the operation of the Grad House.  Through her diligence and awareness of the needed balancing act between service to grad students, and other members of the UW community, [she] improved financial performance; she managed these competing perspectives well.  Her awareness of the role of the Grad House to the history of UW along with the issues of maintaining this aging structure created another challenge that she successfully navigated over the years.

As the operations of the Grad House became more sustainable, she took initiative, working with the student leadership, in re-framing the role of the GSA as a service to grad students.  Regular strategic planning reviews, establishment of an appropriate governance structure for a student owned non-profit organization, and advocating on behalf of grad students on academic issues became the focus of her leadership. Tireless, at times to a fault, in her commitment to the responsibilities of the administrative components of her position, along with the night time requirements of managing in the hospitality industry, continually resulted in Rose working long hours and scrambling to take holidays year in and year out.

Her work with the student leadership also led to the GSA taking a leadership role with both provincial and federal grad student lobby groups.”

Cam Bartel  (Assistant Manager, Grad House)

“Very rarely does one meet a person more dedicated to the welfare of students than Rose Vogt.  Her work ethic and dedication to her roles at the Graduate House and the GSA were nothing short of gargantuan.  Whether it was baking cookies for staff, pulling a double shift, closing the bar while balancing the budget, or fretting over yet another student advocacy issue, Rose was always a cheerful presence and I was privileged to work with her for the time that I did.   All the best at your new post, Rose!”

Naima N. Samuel (President, GSA)

“Rose has contributed enormously to the GSA and her passion to advocate for graduate students is very inspiring. I worked with Rose during the first five months of my term as President and that’s when I saw first-hand her commitment and dedication to serving graduate students. Despite all the challenges, Rose and I worked well together and have come to develop a strong friendship. I am thankful to God that I had the opportunity to work with and get to know Rose Vogt; she is indeed a strong woman with great enthusiasm and a generous heart.”

Allison M. Sachs, Ph.D. Candidate, Institute for Quantum Computing, Applied Mathematics (Chair of Board)

“As a graduate student and volunteer for the GSA, I was continually inspired by Rose’s dedication to us, her faith in us, and her empathy and understanding of the struggles we face.  I first met Rose in a meeting of Council in January of 2017. I began working more closely with her in May of 2017 when I became a director. Beyond our shared work for the GSA, we also shared a passion for gardening—she grew the tastiest, juiciest tomatoes in the Region of Waterloo.”

Norman Kearney, Ph.D. Candidate, School of Environment, Resources, and Sustainability (GSA Board member)

“Rose has served graduate students selflessly and with passion and dedication for many years. She is a model to which graduate student leaders can aspire. Generations of graduate students owe her a debt of gratitude, and future generations will continue to benefit from her legacy. It was a pleasure and a privilege to serve with her, and I wish her much happiness in the years ahead.”

Max Salman, Ph.D. Student, Department of Earth and Environmental Science (Former GSA Vice President)

“Working with Rose in my capacity as the External Affairs Officer and Vice-President of the Graduate Student Association was an absolute pleasure. Her passion and charisma showed her true attention to detail in her job and her commitment to enhancing the experience of graduate students at UW. She was always available to answer pressing questions, and even more so willing to contribute her time to making sure that all boxes were checked to ensure graduate students were always the top priority when she would provide her assistance. Her contributions to the graduate student community at UW are immeasurably high and she deserve all the credit she has received for her work showing her true love for graduate students.”

Somto, MSc Engineering (GSA Executive support staff)

“Rose was phenomenal in developing GSA activities. She started the Grad House over two decades ago, and managed both the Grad House and GSA simultaneously, at the point where we thought both organizations were coming to an end. Rose trained all past and present staff in both organizations and we are seeing the effectiveness of that in the improved student engagement in associations. As my manager, she showed me true leadership and I was able to contribute substantial value to the sustainability of GSA today.”

Del Pereira, Alumni, Director, Partnerships and Development, Studentcare.

“Rose Vogt was an essential component to the UW fabric. She brought a tenacity, dedication, and passion that impacted student life every day throughout her long, illustrious career. She was always vehemently vocal in an effort to continuously put the needs of students first in all aspects related to life at the university (including the fun ones). I had the distinct pleasure of working with Rose for the past 15 years, during and after my academic career. Over that stretch of time, I had the opportunity to partner with and observe her commitment to the betterment of the student experience, from academic representation, to administration, to being the bedrock of the Grad House and the GSA. She is one of the best people and one of the hardest workers I have known, and she deserves nothing but a great retirement.”


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