Peterson loses visiting fellowship


Cambridge University rescinded its offer of a visiting fellowship to University of Toronto professor, Jordan Peterson.

The Faculty of Divinity tweeted about the revocation and claimed that the professor requested the position.

The Cambridge University Students Union favoured the decision to rescind the offer. The group mentioned how some of Peterson’s opinions display prejudice and are discriminatory against minority groups.

“We are relieved to hear that Jordan Peterson’s request for a visiting fellowship to Cambridge’s Faculty of Divinity has been rescinded following further review. It is a political act to associate the University with an academic’s work through offers which legitimise figures such as Peterson. His work and views are not representative of the student body and as such we do not see his visit as a valuable contribution to the University, but one that works in opposition to the principles of the University,” the group in a Facebook post said.

Peterson talked about this incident in a blog post and said he was not formally notified about the decision. He also pointed out that the Faculty of Divinity tweeted about the revocation without publicising the initial offer and implied that he requested the position. “This is precisely  the kind of half-truth particularly characteristic of those who deeply practice to deceive, as the fellowship offer was a consequence of mutual discussion between those who invited me to Cambridge in July and my subsequent formal request, and not something I had dreamed up on my own,” Peterson said in the post.

Peterson, a professor of Psychology, is known for his controversial views on opposition to excessive political correctness. Recently, he sued Wilfrid Laurier University for defamation.

To read the blog post, visit


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