Paint the town red

For the first time in Canadian politics, a party has jumped from third place at dissolution of parliament to a majority government. The Liberals, under Trudeau&rsquo;s leadership, emerged with a comfortable majority taking 14 more than the 170 seats needed to form a majority government.&nbsp;</p>

The Conservatives will form the new official opposition with 99 seats, ending nine years of conservative government under Prime Minister Stephen Harper. Harper resigned as party leader in a statement issued by the Conservative Party. He will continue to serve as MP for Calgary Heritage. 

The conservatives lost several prominent cabinet ministers including finance minister Joe Oliver (Eglinton-Lawrence) and immigration minister Chris Alexander (Ajax-Pickering).

The NDP lost more than half the number of seats they held at the dissolution of parliament and their status as the official opposition, finishing the night with 44 seats. They also lost several prominent members, including environment critic Megan Leslie (Halifax) and former leadership candidates Peggy Nash (Parkdale-High Park) and Paul Dewar (Ottawa Centre). 

The Bloc Québécois won 10 seats in Quebec and Green Party leader Elizabeth May was also re-elected as the only Green Party MP.

The final results saw the Liberals take 39.5 per cent, the Conservatives 29 per cent, the NDP 19.7 per cent, the Bloc Québécois 4.7 per cent, and the Green party 3.5 per cent of the popular vote. 

The Liberals won their majority thanks to a strong showing in Ontario and Quebec, as well as sweeping the Atlantic provinces. 

In his victory speech, Trudeau continued his campaign messaging of hope and positive politics.  “Sunny ways my friends. Sunny ways. This is what positive politics can do,” said Trudeau.

Liberal party candidate Bardish Chagger was elected as Waterloo’s new Member of Parliament, replacing Peter Braid, the incumbent Conservative MP who held his position since 2008. 

Chagger and her team celebrated her win at Maxwell’s Concerts and Events. Arriving around 11 p.m. Oct. 19, she thanked everyone who helped her and later spoke about the influence students had in shaping the turnout of this election.

“Students voted in this election and their voices were heard. Keep engaged, keep involved. Let us set the agenda,” said Chagger. “I’m excited, I’m hopeful and when it comes to the University of Waterloo, I graduated with a Bachelor of Science. We have to go to evidence-based decision making, we cannot divide by ideologies and it’s important that we do the best for Canadians.”

Kitchener Centre also voted Liberal, electing Raj Saini as their new MP. Kitchener-Conestoga re-elected Conservative candidate Harold Albrecht. Kitchener South-Hespeler elected Liberal candidate Marwan Tabbara. Cambridge voted for Liberal candidate Bryan May. Perth-Wellington elected Conservative John Nater.

“I came forward as a candidate in this election because I know Canada must do better. We can be a just society of equity, inclusion, and respect for all,” said Chagger during a speech to her supporters. “I consider it an honour to represent you and our community in Ottawa and I will do just that. I will remember that my job is just that. Representing the riding of Waterloo in our nation’s capital, not just representing my party in our riding.”


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