Kitchener MPP says ‘chatter’ about Brown’s behavior circulated Queen’s Park prior to reports


Kitchener-Centre MPP Daiene Vernile says “chatter” of Patrick Brown’s sexual misconduct allegations was circulating Queen’s Park prior to the publishing of the accusations from CTV News on Jan. 25.

“I think at Queen’s Park there was some chatter about this,” the Liberal MPP told Imprint Publications, “but this didn’t involve anybody in my party. And if there was an issue that needed to be addressed, it needed to be addressed by the PC (Progressive Conservative) Party.”

Vernile noted that the PC Party is guilty of an a “systemic” sexism, which is not necessarily an issue in the other two parties at Queen’s Park. “I would see it often coming from that party,” she said. “I think that party has an issue with sexism, it’s systemic within that party.”

On Jan. 25 a story emerged detailing sexual misconduct allegations against Patrick Brown, with two women citing detailed accounts from experiences they had with Brown while he was a federal Conservative MP. Though he denies the allegations, Brown stepped down as PC Party leader.

A leadership race is currently underway to replace Brown. So far, candidates include York-Simcoe PC candidate Caroline Mulroney, former MPP Christine Elliott and former Toronto city councillor Doug Ford. The new PC leader will be selected on Mar. 10.


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