No VP candidates running in WUSA’s annual election


As WUSA’s 2024 annual election process kicks into full swing, one position has remained notably empty. While several students are campaigning for their spot on the Board of Directors or the role of president, there is no candidate in the running for vice-president.

Katie Traynor, who currently holds the title of VP, is running for a position on the Board of Directors this year. With Traynor stepping away from the position, it is unclear how WUSA will fill the empty spot. 

Traynor offered her view on the current situation. “It is disheartening to see that we do not have a VP candidate in the [election]. With that being said, I am hopeful that this year our elections will turn out a successful, passionate, and insightful group of student leaders who will direct the organization,” she wrote in an email

As for how the position will be filled, she explained that there are no strict rules, and that the Board of Directors will move forward in whatever way they see fit. “With our current governance structure in place, the ultimate decision for how to fill the VP position — or at least support its portfolio until another possible election occurs — would ultimately be decided by the next Board of Directors,” Traynor wrote. “Once [the Board has been] appointed and the new fiscal year begins, [they] would be in charge of any decisions to fill, hire, or appoint a student to the VP role.”

With this in mind, it seems that any progress regarding the VP position will not come until after the election, when the Board of Directors has been decided upon.

The voting period for this year’s election begins on Feb. 12 and ends at 11:59 p.m. on the 14. Details about the election, including candidate profiles, can be found here.