never thought I would ever have an interest in politics – until the end of my second year of university. What used to be apathy and annoyance for the subject turned into curiosity over the course of a few years. I realized there are so many problems we put into the hands of those in power and it was important to pay attention.

Which is why I think everyone should vote in the Feds elections, or at least see what our student union is going to offer us for the next year. Last year’s voter turnout was just nine per cent. While this may be better than the year before when less than five per cent of eligible students voted, it still shows how little we care about these elections.

But students should care, since the elected council makes many decisions regarding student life. From Feb. 6-8, Feds will host events where students can meet the candidates and hear what they have to say.

We should take advantage of this opportunity to talk to the candidates ourselves, hear what they have to offer, and question their campaigns instead of just sitting back and watching. It’s a nice way to make an informed decision, instead of just blindly voting.

If we don’t know about how our student union is going to be run we’ll be blindly accepting what is chosen for us.

A nine per cent voter turnout is not good enough, especially when it comes to a student council with absurd power over us.

Ju Hyun Kim

3B, Sociology and French


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