New year, new term, new you

It is that time of year again. The calendar has flipped over and we are in the beginning of a new year and a new term. Of course, this is the time of year when CIF and PAC are always filled because the New Year resolutioners are in the gym trying to complete their fitness goals and of course, many crash and burn along the ride.</p>

Everyone has different fitness goals. Some people want to lose weight, some want to gain weight, and some just want to get into shape (I’m in this category). The biggest obstacle, to many anyways, is staying motivated and consistently keeping up habits like going to the gym and not eating junk food. So here are a few tips to help you stay motivated.

Buy a fitness tracker:

Invest some money in a Fitbit or some variant of that. It is like a constant reminder, always on your wrist, telling you to meet your step count or calories lost count. Side tip: if you spend a lot of money on your fitness tracker, you will not want to waste your money so you will actually use it.

Use the buddy system:

Find someone who has the same fitness goals as you and work on those goals together. It is even easier to find someone at the beginning of a new year because more people have fresh goals. Even if you cannot find someone who has the same goals as you, find a friend who already works out. The majority of people who go to the gym regularly will typically assist their friends who need help.

Fitness/health apps:

Apps like MyFitnessPal help you set weight goals for yourself and track calories to make sure you meet those goals. Workout apps like Nike+ Training Club will give you workouts with video tutorials.

Get a personal trainer:

If you feel intimidated in the gym, don’t know how to properly use the machines, or don’t even know where to start, try getting a personal trainer. They’re super friendly and helpful. If this does not fit your budget, you can still ask the staff sitting at the desk at PAC and CIF for some tips.

Get a shoetag:

The school offers tons of fun classes that will help you burn some calories. Whether you like swimming, cycling, yoga, Zumba, or anything in between, there is a class for you! If you feel insecure or uncomfortable, join a beginner class and work your way up. Remember, everyone has to start somewhere and no one is going to make fun of you if you suck at something in the beginning, and if they do, they are probably an asshole.

Public commitments:

Tell your friends you want to get in shape, post something on Instagram, or tweet about it. The more you tell people about it, the more you will feel obligated to stay committed to your goals. The more friends you tell about it, the more support you will get from them, unless they are an asshole.

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