Navigating UW parking penalties

The Highway Traffic Act doesn’t apply to the UW campus. According to campus police, the ticketing regulation as well as distribution is determined by policies adhering to the UW Act and Trespass of Property Act. An individualized legislation that reflects many provincial policies, however, is privately instituted. 

According to a post by the UW Daily Bulletin, this is the case because the Highway Traffic Act does not extend onto private properties like UW.

Dan Anderson, director of UW Police Services, said, “The UW Act (1972) gives the university the authority to make rules, policies, et cetera with penalties. So, people who break the rules and who are connected to our UW community can be given a university ticket with a fine.”

However, there are exceptions. When visitors come to the campus who are not associated with the university, they can be ticketed and fined just as those belonging to the UW campus. Despite this similarity, the severity of the punishment is determined on a case-by-case basis.

“They can receive a fine for that, and I and my officers have the authority to ban them from the campus. Improper parking enforcement, for people not connected with the university, is done through City of Waterloo parking tickets and/or towing under the authority of the city’s parking on private property by-law,” said Anderson.

According to Sharon Rumpel, parking manager at parking services, “money is reconciled everyday and deposited directly to the account of the Waterloo County scholarship funds.” One such scholarship was the Waterloo County Entrance Scholarship. This is a scholarship distributed to secondary schools in Waterloo for students hoping to attend UW, but do not have the necessary funds to do so.


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