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Facebook could die out in 2017

According to <em>Gizmodo UK</em>, researchers from Princeton University predict that the number of Facebook users could drop by 80 per cent before 2017 by running epidemic models.

The scientists first tested the models on data gathered from MySpace to check the accuracy of boom and crash periods, and then applied them to Facebook.


Though it is hard to confirm the reliability of this prediction, Facebook &ldquo;did see a decrease in daily users, specifically from young teens.&rdquo;


Sugar battery: a new green energy source

According to The Guardian, researchers from Virginia Tech University recently developed a sugar-powered “biobattery,” which can store 10 times more energy than the equivalent-size lithium-ion batteries found in smartphones. 

The researchers said that sugar batteries are cheaper, refillable, biodegradable, and more environmentally friendly. 

Users can recharge their batteries simply by adding more sugar. It will be possible to get this kind of sugar battery for mobile devices in three years. 


Implantable battery: powered by your heartbeat

In the future, your smartphone will never die if you use an implantable battery and are still alive. According to Daily Mail, a team of US and Chinese researchers recently revealed a tiny implantable battery that can be used to power a pacemaker. This battery converts the constant movement of organs such as the heart, lungs, and diaphragm into energy. To produce more power, multiple units could be placed on an organ. 


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