Meet your 2024 student senator candidates


For the 2024 WUSA general elections, there are eight candidates running for five senator positions. Imprint compiled their candidate profiles to give a snapshot of each of their platforms.

Candidates for arts senator, environment senator, and at-large senator are running unopposed.

Candidates are ordered alphabetically.

Arts senator:

Andrew Chang

Andrew Chang is in his first year of the accounting and financial management program. His top platform points are to ensure UW’s financial situation does not impact students’ quality of education, to negotiate a “compassionate grading policy” similar to those at schools like Carleton University, and to increase student support particularly for mental health.

Chang transferred to UW from Carleton, and was council chair there of the Rideau River Residence Association student council. He is also part of the UW Financial Association and holds a certificate in leadership from the Youth Leadership Program.

Environment senator:

Katie Traynor

Katie Traynor is in her third year of the planning program.

Her top platform points are to collect insights from community environment forums to present to the senate, to convey calls to action from on-campus community organizations, and to help the university be a local and global leader by bringing attention to various causes including sustainability and gender and sexual-based violence prevention.

Science senator:

Jordan Bauman

Jordan Bauman is a first-year student majoring in psychology. His top platform points are to keep science students informed and involved on senate decisions, and that he cares about science students’ learning. 

In his candidate profile, Bauman states that if elected he will “bridge the gap” between students and UW administration by promoting the renewal of social spaces, increasing co-op opportunities, and “enabling learning between peers.” 

Sufyan Faisal 

Sufyan Faisal is in his second year of the physics program. His top platform points are to improve dialogue between the senate and student body, be more responsive to students to address concerns about decisions, and learn more about diverse student experiences to better understand issues overlooked by the senate. 

Huraira Nadeem

Huraira Nadeem is in his third year of the biology program with minors in management studies and economics. His top platform points are to infuse dedication into every aspect of his role, be a strong advocate for science faculty undergraduates, and ensure that every voice is represented in important decisions. 

Health senator:

Avery Akkerman 

Avery Akkerman is a fourth-year student double majoring in recreation and sport business and therapeutic recreation.

She served on various committees on the Association of Health Students Undergraduate Members (AHSUM). Akkerman hopes to bring together the various programs that act independently from one another within the faculty of health.

Other platform points include open communication with students, and providing clarity on how the senate supports them with their academic experience. Being heavily involved on campus and within the faculty of health has shown Akkerman the common issues students are facing with academic standings, professors, and university-wide experiences.

She values efficiency, and hopes to bring the student perspective to the table to expedite decisions that would normally take “a long time to pass.” 

Niah Fiorino

Niah Fiorino is a student in the health faculty.

As of publication, they have not posted a candidate profile.

At-large senator

Bilal Ahmed

Bilal Ahmed is a fourth-year student currently studying pharmacy. He studied honours science for two years before being accepted into the school of pharmacy.

He aims to incorporate strong communication with other senators to work for student interests, along with transparent communication with students so that they know what the senate is doing for them. He also wants to ensure the student curriculum is inclusive and respectful.