Meet Imprint’s part-time editorial staff

<strong>Madzia McCutcheon</strong><br />
Creative Director, Print Design</p>

When I first got involved with Imprint last spring term, I did not expect to do more than play an unhealthy amount of Magic: the Gathering and video games with other staff members. I was a shy and nervous fine arts student who felt out of place in a university community that routinely praised mathematics and engineering. I knew I wanted to have a career in a creative industry, but was too scared to fully pursue it. Even though I had joined Imprint, I still believed that I didn’t have the skills to be successful. One year later, I have proved myself wrong. I have found success in graphic design and digital illustration.

Now, after working as a graphic designer and later as a graphics editor, I’m the creative director of print design! I’m responsible for producing a visually cohesive publication for the university community. I oversee the layout design of the newspaper as well as its graphic assets — illustrations, editorial cartoons, infographics, icons, etc., and ensure that they reflect the content of each issue. I’m also working as a graphic designer for Feds and TEDxUW, doing some freelance work, and studying part-time (Yeah, so I like to keep busy).

I’ve finally let go of my fears of failure as an individual who pursued a degree in fine arts and can finally say that I’m looking forward to the future. I’ve never been so thrilled and excited in my life and can’t wait for the months to come!

Antonio Brieva
Managing Editor

I’m now in my fifth term with Imprint. A lot has changed around here since I decided to walk into SLC room 1116 back in January 2014. I don’t only speak of the improvements we’ve made as an editorial team, but my growth as a journalist. My passion to make this paper the best it could be has opened up many opportunities for me at Imprint. Over the course of 17 months, I’ve gone from being staff reporter, to news editor, to head reporter, and finally this spring term I’ve been hired to be Imprint’s managing editor.

I will lead and be part of a talented team, which aims to oversee a successful design and editorial redesign of our newspaper. My job as managing editor is to make sure the content in our paper is relevant and informative. Content that is not only important to students, but entertaining and thought provoking. One of my goals as managing editor is not only to broaden our horizons editorially and challenge ourselves journalistically, but to connect the student body  to the content and personalities that makeup Imprint through online and social media platforms.

If you have anything you want us to look into, things you want to let us know you love about our paper, things you hate about the paper, things you’d like to see in our paper, I’d encourage you to email me at

You can also follow me on twitter @antoniodelballe.

Look forward to hearing feedback from you guys — our readers — in the upcoming terms.

Ramona Leitao
Creative Director, Multimedia

My life can now be divided into two eras. Before joining Imprint, and after. I’ll admit that I recognize how corny that may sound to you, but alas, it’s true. Ever since I joined Imprint in spring 2014, my life has been filled with amazing opportunities and amazing people who are just as passionate about creating the best newspaper possible as I am. And for such reasons I am more than excited to be Imprint’s first creative director of multimedia.

As multimedia director, I will be in charge of the online content on our website and various social media platforms. We now live in a day and age where the Internet is basically our best friend, so I figured it would be best to cater to that with content ranging from videos, photos, blogs, and more. Plus, I believe this type of content is more visually appealing in comparison to the typical story that you would read on a printed newspaper.

I know what some of you may be thinking. “What?! You guys are online?” Yes, people, we have a website, a Facebook page, a YouTube page, Twitter, and even Instagram. Because of this lack of awareness, I really am aiming to push as much online content as possible. That way people would instead be saying “What?! You guys have a paper?” Only joking when I say that, I do love a good newspaper.

So be sure to check out our website at and be sure to follow us on our social media platforms. Expect to see a lot of great stuff there for this upcoming term!




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