Lori Campbell seeks federal NDP nomination


Lori Campbell, an Indigenous Studies instructor at St. Paul’s University College, announced her intention to seek the federal NDP nomination for the Waterloo riding.

Campbell is currently the director of the Shatitsirótha’ Waterloo Indigenous Student Centre, and the former UW director of Indigenous Initiatives. She was also a former Aboriginal resource officer.

Campbell will be formally seeking nomination the first week of July. She is passionate about the Waterloo community, and is inspired by the community to represent the Waterloo riding on the national level.

Campbell lives in Waterloo with her partner, Katherine, and they are both proud to call it their home.

“People here are amazing and … It’s clear that people in Waterloo care about social justice, environmental protection, climate justice, and human rights,” Campbell said. “I share their passion and I am proud to seek the nomination of a party that prioritizes these principles. As an NDP MP, I will be committed to fighting for these principles and working hard to make sure the voice of our community is heard on Parliament Hill.”

Campbell is Nitāpihtākosisān, Métis: Nēhiyaw (Cree) and Scottish, from the Treaty 6 territory in northern Saskatchewan, but has become a familiar face to many community groups in Waterloo. She has also received a Leading Women, Leading Girls, Building Communities award for her community leadership.

Dr. Richard Myers, principal of St. Paul’s University College, praised Campbell’s exceptional leadership and advocacy.

“[Campbell is] an exceptionally gifted advocate … She combines a commanding personal presence and a mastery of her material with a warm smile and a down-to-earth manner,” he said.

Campbell is an experienced instructor and community service worker. She has held leadership positions in post-secondary curriculum development, community housing, and victim services.

She currently serves on the Board of the Council for Community Based Research and the Renison University College Truth and Reconciliation Working Group.

For more information, to donate, or get involved in Lori Campbell’s Campaign, email CampbellforNDP@gmail.com.


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