Kickstarting endeavours in environment

Jay Shah, director of Velocity, celebrating the opening of the new Velocity Start at Environment workspace in EV2. Photo courtesy Velocity.

If you need a boost to launch your entrepreneurial endevours, the new Velocity location may be the perfect platform to do so.

The new Velocity Start at Environment workspace had its kickoff in room 2002 of the Environment 2 building Oct. 25, officially open for students to incubate their ideas.

“It was a great kickoff event with lots of excitement from the students and good follow up emails from students wanting to arrange meetings with some of the specialist advisors that we have,” said Paul Parker, the associate dean of environment. “There is demand for these services.”

According to the Velocity website, the Velocity Start program strives to create an “entrepreneurship discovery space,” wherein students may expect to engage in weekly workshops and panel discussions.

The program will deliver the knowledge and aid required for students to kickstart their budding businesses, turning them into full bloom.

This environment workspace, akin to their initial location in South Campus Hall, seeks to bring the Velocity program closer to the buildings that many students may call home.

“The purpose of the [kickoff] event was to raise awareness for a new partnership between Velocity and the Faculty of Environment,” said Jude Fiorillo, Velocity’s communications manager.

“Specifically, that we are now offering 1-on-1 startup coaching to students in Environment 2 to make mentorship more accessible to environment students.”

Despite the location being geared towards environment students, it is also an environment in which students from any faculty may find helpful in pursuing the growth of their entrepreneurial ventures and ideas.

All students are welcome to book a startup coach from either Velocity Start location.

“This is one out of the several things that are happening at the same time: we’re doing broader entrepreneurship in environment initiatives,” Parker said.

“We have hired an entrepreneur-in-residence to help the students. We have also [provided] shared office space to give access to GreenHouse staff as well as Velocity staff.

“Velocity is an excellent partner… to help the students promote their entrepreneurial ideas. This is important for both social ventures as well as commercial ventures.”

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