Jay Krishnan appointed CEO of the Accelerator Centre


The Accelerator Centre’s Board of Directors has announced the appointment of Jay Krishnan as Chief Executive Officer as of Mar. 1, 2021.

Krishnan has an impressive track record which includes having been a founding member of three companies and CEO of T-Hub, a top business accelerator in India for three years. It is notable that his leadership established T-Hub in the Indian business ecosystem as he grew the team from 1 to over 40 international staff and developed programs supporting over 300 enterprises. Most recently, he was a General Partner at Mantra Capital, an early-stage US-domiciled VC firm. His experience and global perspective will help lead Waterloo Region’s Accelerator Centre into the world stage and will garner international recognition. 

Waterloo Region is known to be a community supportive of entrepreneurship and the University of Waterloo was the most innovative university in Canada for nearly 30 years. Krishnan stood out as the clear choice for the job as he is a visionary in his field, a strong community developer, and possesses the spirit of true entrepreneurship.

Join the Accelerator Centre for a fireside chat with globally successful entrepreneur and innovative community builder, Jay Krishnan on Apr. 6, 2021. Register for “The Accelerator Centre – Meet the CEO with Jay Krishnan” on Eventbrite. 


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