Introducing Diane Freeman, NDP Candidate and former UW Student

Dear Editor,</p>

My name is Don Fraser, a former engineering instructor of first years. I taught there for 30 years (1980-2010).

I wanted to introduce one of our own, Diane Freeman, who graduated from Civil Engineering 1992. I had the privilege of teaching her twice. Diane is Waterloo’s NDP Candidate in the October federal election.

Diane has been a three-term Waterloo councillor for Ward 4 and has done many good things for the city, one of which is to initiate and support the placing of the growing number of bicycle lanes we all enjoy.  She has also served as president of Professional Engineers of Ontario. 

If elected, she will be the first female professional engineer ever in Parliament. As we need more engineers to make sensible decisions in Ottawa, let’s get out and support her with our vote.

Yours truly,

Donald A. Fraser


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