Imprint grills exec candidates

The second debate of the Feds election was an executive debate hosted by <em>Imprint.</em>

The debate began with the presidential candidates, who were questioned on student space, mental health, governance structure, Feds communications, and campus safety.&nbsp;

On student space, Team Gold candidate Chris Lolas and Team Purple Crush candidate Baiju Patel both mentioned a new student building.&nbsp;

This project is something that has been tried before by previous Feds president Andrew Noble. Patel, whose plans for the new building are highly ambitious said he would get the &ldquo;right people in place and get the plans done.&rdquo;

All the candidates said they believe Feds communications can be improved, but they each listed very different ideas about how to accomplish this. Patel suggested more Feds events; Team Fusion candidate Paula Colaso suggested termly organizational reports and press releases; Lolas, whose platform does not mention communication, referenced teammate and VPOF candidate, Carly McCready&rsquo;s platform: &ldquo;Marketing needs to focus more on advocacy efforts.&rdquo;

Following the presidential questions the debate moved into a rotation of questioning that alternated between the three remaining positions.&nbsp;

Stephane Hamade (Gold), incumbent and sole VP education cadidate present at the debate, answered questions on international students, housing, the upcoming federal election, co-op fees, and federal advocacy.&nbsp;

He stated that, if re-elected, he will continue his current efforts and work with the university administration, government officials on all levels, and OUSA to advocate for students on all of these topics.

The VP operations and finance candidates Carly McCready (Gold) and incumbent Ben Balfour (Fusion) spoke about the SLC, the budget,, and most notably: the MappedIn kiosks.

Balfour said he stands by the decision made to purchase three kiosks for $44,183 last term. He said that the kiosks have been used by over 6,000 students since their purchase. McCready, who has vocally opposed the kiosks, said that she will work to ensure they are made more useful, but believes students should have been consulted.

The VP internal candidates, incumbent Maaz Yasin (Fusion), Matt McLean (Gold), Mike Cimetta (Purple), and Jessica Dineen (independent), answered questions on special events, communications, campus safety, and clubs funding.

Each candidate had different ideas on each topic, reflecting their vastly different platforms.

Watch the debate at:


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