How to have a zero waste Halloween party


by Charlotte Hings

Having fun doesn’t need to create waste. Here are some fun ideas for elements to add to your Halloween party, that will scrap many unnecessary waste sources.


Using real pumpkins as opposed to fake, plastic pumpkins is a simple and delicious waste alternative. They allow a great amount of creativity for the carver, are a staple Halloween decoration and can be turned into a delicious pumkin pie or other fun pumpkin dishes once Halloween is over.

Finger foods:

These creepy carrot fingers are the perfect finger food and are super simple to prepare. Just peel and carve out the carrots into small finger-like strips, and ‘paint’ the tip with some hummus, just like a finger nail.

Avoid candy in plastic wrapping:

Buying candy in bulk is the way to go to get the most for your money, while also reducing your waste. On top of this, it is so easy to do. Putting the candy in your own jars saves dozens of wasteful plastic wrappers.

CheeseCloth ghosts:

These fun decorations are simple to make, can add a spooky flare to your party, and can be fully repurposed after the party is over. Just take a bundle of cheesecloth to make the head and wrap it up with another sheet of cheesecloth to make the over sheet. Tie it securely with cotton thread and hang it on the walls or from the ceiling. Once it’s time to take them down, the cheesecloth can be re-used. Also, using cheesecloth that is unbleached and 100 per cent cotton (not a blend of other synthetic materials) means that it can be composted at the end of its life.


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