Healthy recipe: French Toast


A super simple, quick, and healthy recipe for a fancy breakfast.


2 pieces of bread

2 large eggs

15g butter (or substitute: olive oil for a lighter meal)


1 cup of milk

Maple / chocolate syrup


Powdered sugar


Whipped cream



Cooking pan



Knife and fork

First, cut the slices of bread diagonally or horizontally.

Then crack two eggs into a bowl and whisk until the egg whites and yolks are well combined.

The following is an optional step: Personally, I add 1 or ½ a cup of milk into the mixture and whisk it a little more.

Then, soak the bread in the egg mixture but make sure that it is not soaked too long — it becomes soggy and hard to cook.

While the bread soaks up the mixture, heat up the cooking pan on l ow heat.

Then, spread 15 g of butter or 1 ½ tsp of cooking oil around the cooking pan.

Personally, I use 1 ½ tsp of olive oil, or enough olive oil to spread around the cooking pan.

Then, using the spatula, move the bread pieces onto the cooking pan.

Note that you should arrange them so they are not connected or too close to each other; this makes it easier to flip and move around.

Turn up to medium heat.

Let the soaked bread sit in the pan for a few minutes.

Check by lifting the corners of the soaked bread to see if it is cooked.

Once you get a light brown color on one side, flip the yet-to-be-french-toast using the spatula.

Let it sit for a few minutes and turn heat to low.

Once it turns light brown, poke a hole through one of the french toast using a fork to see if the inside is cooked.

Wet fork: uncooked. Dry fork: fully cooked. Once it is ready, take the french toast out of the pan and set it on a plate.

Lastly, let your creativity take over and add whatever ingredients you want to your french toast.

I would usually use honey, maple syrup or whipped cream with blueberries or sliced strawberries on top.

Use whatever you have in the fridge for a breakfast worth dreaming about: simple, healthy, and delicious.


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