Even if a campaign for a prosthetic leg raises enough funds, should the campaign be necessary in the first place?

That’s the question raised by Diandra Santos’ event, “Artists for a Cause.” She created the event, taking place June 22, to raise funds for a new prosthetic for her mother.

“My mother lost her leg in a car accident when she was 17 years old,” said Santos. “She was also pregnant at the time with my oldest brother, who is now 23. She unfortunately lost her leg from the kneecap down.”

A basic prosthetic leg costs about $10,000. Currently the healthcare system covers a percentage of prosthetics for adults.

Santos’ mother’s current prosthetic was designed to last five to six years. Her mom, unable to afford a new one, has now been using hers for seven.

“Right now my mom’s lived a very basic life that’s completely fallen apart. Her foot is almost stretched to a point where she can almost not walk,” said Santos.

“The worst part is, is that legs are considered a luxury,” she said. “If you’re on welfare they’ll cover your leg, they’ll cover everything you need. Because my mom chose to have a family and a home, they sort of punished her. War Amps covers prosthetics for life for kids, but I guess there was an error in the paperwork when she was 17. She didn’t get her first prosthetic until her 18th birthday, so they listed her as an adult, which also means she wasn’t covered for life.

“So they basically gave her pay out and said, here you go, this is what you get use this for future prosthetics. But again, she used all that money to get us a house that we still live [in] to this day.”

The local support for the event has been great and even people not able to attend the event are donating money.

“I’m actually affiliated with Cash Money Records, the AMAG Collective which is also affiliated with Cash Money,” said Santos. “A bunch of local artists who are also affiliated with the label are coming to perform, we will hold a raffle, there’s going be a cash bar, and its 100 per cent net proceeds,” which means all donations goes towards a new leg.

Santos’ goal is to raise $5000-$6000 for a good prosthetic. She added, “Again going back to the system of the government, to them to walk is a luxury. They’ll pay for wheelchairs, they’ll pay for scooters, but they wont pay for legs, because it’s a luxury in their mind. Walking isn’t a need of life, its just to walk is a want, not a need.”

You can find tickets on the Facebook page for the event.


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