Today, like the sun we watch set, we’re getting ready to call it a night. Welcome to the last instalment of Getting High on Campus, where we find the best high-altitude sunset viewing locations on campus, and share them with you.

This week we are featuring a spot in Environment, our home faculty — the fourth floor of Environment 3.

View: The view from Environment 3 is unparalleled by any of the other locations we have scouted on campus. With a continuous waist-to-ceiling band of windows stretching around the north-west corner of the building, you have a greater than 180 degree field of vision. From here,  you can see the sun setting behind the university colleges all the way to Dana Porter. Glare is present, but no worse than any of our other locations. For view, we give Environment 3 a 5/5.

Comfort: This location has several seating options, including bar seating along one side, and some tables and chairs suitable for group work. You could work at any of these, but the back-lighting of the sunset through the windows could cause some problems with seeing a laptop screen. Our main qualm is there is no seating that allows you to face west towards the sunset. For comfort, Environment 3 earns 3.5/5

Atmosphere: Between the earth-toned colour scheme, the low traffic, and generally very quiet soundscape, this a relaxed and calm area for both working and sunset viewing. One element to be aware of is limited outlet availability. There is little else to say about this atmosphere but that it is one that we both greatly enjoy. For atmosphere, we give Environment 3 a 4.5/5

Overall, this location provides a superb view of the sunset year-round, a comfortable spot for reflection, and a sweet backdrop for some selfies.

This location was in fact the original inspiration for this series; it’s a quiet spot that we keep going back to and wanted to share. To all of our readers who have been with us for the past few months, we’d like to thank you.


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