Get a job on campus


By Riamarie Panachikal

As many of us are living the struggling student life, finding employment is a vital element of making it through each term. Right on campus there are plenty of departments that hire regularly. With a few clicks of your keyboard and some Google-fu, the list below will be able to help you get connected to positions right here on campus.

Leads UWaterloo: Using your Learn login, this website will provide you with information on most jobs and volunteering positions on campus.

UW Athletics: If you’re a Warrior at heart and want to spread school spirit, UW Athletics is a great way to get involved. They hire regularly for referees, scorekeepers, instructors and more.   

UW Food Services: In nearly every building, you can find a touch of UW Food Services. From campus cafeterias to mini-cafes and residences, Food Services relies on student staff to keep their operations running. It’s a pretty good bet that they will always be hiring.

Feds Website: If you’re an artist, an activist, or dream of supporting your fellow students, this is the perfect spot for you. In addition to multiple support services, nearly every club at UW is facilitated through Feds and they are always looking for talented students to keep their services afloat.

Imprint: Nudge. Nudge. We hire students per term to assist with our editorial boards, board of execs and our sales team. Stop by the office (SLC 0137) any time if you’d like to learn more about how to get involved.

Libraries: Check in with your main campus and college campus librarians, they hire student library assistants per term.

Network: There are plenty of positions on campus and plenty of ways to get them. Ask your dons, your classmates, your friends, your profs, your TAs.

Pro-tip: This might be a bit old school, but posters and bulletin boards are all over campus and usually pinned with a couple of job listings.


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