Feds attempts to create more student space

The SLC is changing. <em>Imprint </em>and Feds&rsquo; marketing and communications department are moving to temporary spaces so that their previous spaces can undergo renovations. The two organizations will then swap locations.

<em>Imprint</em> will operate out of MC 2036 starting Feb. 22 until renovations are complete.&nbsp;

&ldquo;While there may be challenges associated with operations in temporary space, Imprint Publications will continue to faithfully serve students and hold all relevant organizations accountable to the student body,&rdquo; said a release from <em>Imprint&rsquo;s</em> Board of Directors.&nbsp;

Feds marketing and communications has temporarily moved to MC 2037 as they wait for renovations of the <em>Imprint</em> space to be completed.&nbsp;

When Feds marketing returns to the SLC in Imprint&rsquo;s space, they will also take over SLC 1115, which is currently bookable student space, as part of the renovation.

&ldquo;What we&rsquo;re looking to do is make Feds&rsquo; current use of office space more efficient in order to free up space for the general student. Again, that&rsquo;s bookable rooms or lounge space or whatever it is. And so our goal is to sort of combine some of the staff that we have in different locations into one location,&rdquo; said Carly McCready, Feds&rsquo; VP of finance and operations. &ldquo;For the average student who doesn&rsquo;t care about Feds, or <em>Imprint</em>, or going to those spaces, there&rsquo;s more student space created for them that you could use as a bookable room or hang out and eat your lunch in for the average student.&rdquo;

McCready was unable to say exactly how much student space would be created by the move.

In order to make more space, significant changes will be made to the <em>Imprint</em> office.&nbsp;

&ldquo;[The] plan &hellip; is to remove the washrooms &hellip; and &hellip; kitchenette and then create two bookable meeting rooms, and [put] cubicles in on top of that, because when you have more people in cubicles, you need more meeting rooms, because they have to go somewhere,&rdquo; McCready said.&nbsp;

The renovations to the <em>Imprint</em> space and SLC 1115 have been planned for the last few months. According to McCready, marketing and communications had been pegged to move into the <em>Imprint</em> space since October 2015, when <em>Imprint&rsquo;s</em> six-month notice expired.&nbsp;

Feds has yet to determine exactly which additional offices will be going into this space.&nbsp;

&ldquo;We&rsquo;ll see what happens when drills start being drilled or whatever, [our plan] is to pretend like no one is currently in an office and look at the space we have and put people back in a way that&rsquo;s most efficient.&rdquo; McCready said. &ldquo;In the preliminary drawings, we have our campus life department, [which] is upstairs, and then they&rsquo;ll be moving downstairs. And the executive offices that are here will be [moved] into that space as well.&rdquo;&nbsp;

McCready also mentioned that if the SLC expansion passes referendum, <em>Imprint</em> can expect to be given an office in the new space.


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