Examining Human Rights, Equity, and Inclusion at UW


The Human Rights, Equity, and Inclusion (HREI) panel shared their progress, after a series of interviews conducted in Dec. 2020 and Jan. 2021. This panel, working closely with Michelle Hollis, Director of Human Resources and Client Services,  takes student, faculty, and community input into consideration for making decisions, which will be shared publicly by the end of May 2021. Feedback and written submissions to the HREI will not be released to protect the confidentiality of community members.

Requests for meetings and accommodations, to participate in the process, should be sent to Michelle Hollis, Director HR Client Services, by email to mhollis@uwaterloo.ca, or by phone at 519-888-4567 ext. 41127.

The HREI has provided questions as a starting point for review:

  • With which HREI units (Equity Office, Indigenous Initiatives, Conflict Management, and Human Rights Office, Sexual Violence Prevention and Response Office, and Education and Awareness) or individuals have you engaged?
  • What does HREI, or individual units within HREI, do well? What can HREI/the units within HREI do to strengthen existing services and programs?
  • Is there anything HREI should start or stop doing?
  • Do you have any observations to share regarding the structure of HREI, and how it could be improved?
  • Do you have any observations to share about how HREI develops and sustains community partnerships and collaborations?
  • How can the University Administration better support HREI and the units within HREI?

To learn more, the Equity Office has training workshops that cover the essentials of equity, anti-racism training, LGBTQ2+ and making safe spaces, as well as equitable recruitment and selection training.

The Sexual Violence Prevention and Response Office (SVPRO) also has education and training workshops. Additionally, the SVPRO supports those impacted by sexual violence. 

The Conflict Management and Human Rights Office (CMAHRO) is a resource for faculty and students at the university for matters of harassment, discrimination, and other general forms of conflict. 

The HREI also works to highlight Indigenous Initiatives on and off-campus for Truth and Reconciliation Calls to Action as well as long-term decolonization for the University. The Indigenous Initiatives Strategic Plan (IISP) looks to strengthen excellent Indigenous research and initiatives, already taking place on our campus and grow new initiatives and partnerships, to expand community, support, and resources in the future. 


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