It’s that time of the semester that we all dread: exam time. It can be very stressful trying to cram five courses into your head all at once. We all know that stress does not make you look and feel not at your best. So here are some of my tips to help you stay stress-free.</p>

1. Sheet masks and under eye masks. I’m a huge fan of serum-soaked cotton sheet masks and under eye masks because they are portable, effective, and relatively inexpensive. I like to throw one of these on while I study in the evenings after I shower, and then throw my glasses on top. It may look silly, but you’ll definitely reap the benefits. Plus, it makes a great multitasking beauty regime for those who never have enough time.

2. Study outside. It’s summer outside, so why not enjoy it and soak up the sun while studying? Being around nature has its own calming effects and can help you to focus and feel happier while studying. Or, take a break and go for a walk.

3. Paint your nails. New studies are coming out about the effectiveness of colouring as a stress reliever. One easy way of doing this is painting your nails. Not only will your hands be unable to type and text– therefore eliminating distractions- but it makes it harder to fidget. This proves an excellent way to really focus on one section you are trying to understand/memorize for your exam.

4. Artificial tears. If your eyes are constantly strained or irritated by the dry heat/air conditioning, eye drops may be a great solution. Artificial tears will help to rehydrate your eyes, lessening the strain they go through.

5. Green tea. Want more beauty benefits from your caffeine drink? Switch out your coffee for some green tea. It is loaded with caffeine and lots of beneficial antioxidants and bioactive compounds to help you study smarter.
Good luck on your finals!
This is my last article, thank you so much for reading.